Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Interesting news

Some wierd things in the news today

A Kenyan secondary school sent home 20 boys because they were not circumcised - circumcision is not obligatory for admission into the school, but a study released in December said it reduced the risk of contracting HIV/Aids. Message - get your pee pee cut, come back to school and bugger all you want.


A report from one of Australia's most respected research bodies has shown that alcohol abuse claims the life of an Aborigine every 38 hours. Summary - No job = no money = no food + no home + can't support family = high levels of stress = substance and alcohol abuse


Clinics offering abortions and cosmetic surgery have been banned from opening in the UK's most famous medical district. Officials said they were trying to move away from "lifestyle procedures" to become a centre of medical excellence. - I've never considered the right to choose as a lifestyle choice but if you really look at it I guess it is.


Russia has a plan to boost birth rates in the country by introducing a new scheme this year that will allow government handouts of $9,000 [about two years income] for women with more than one child. - Hogwash if you ask me. Russia needs to educate its people about drugs, alcohol and safe sex as this is what's killing them. As a country with one of the fastest growing HIV infection rates the government should set aside funds to treat the people with HIV infections and take care of the children that are born to those with the infection instead of leaving them in clinics to die.

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